Visiting a Medieval Market in Segorbe Spain
– Visiting a Medieval Market in Segorbe Spain –
In the town of Segorbe in Castellon, Spain, they hold a medieval festival known as ¨Mercado de Maria Luna¨. This medieval festival is basically a market place and it´s celebrated once a year. It´s filled with little shops selling handmade goods, such as: soaps, jewelry, toys and much more. There are also some exhibition fights and a ton of food carts selling olives, homemade breads and Spanish cheeses. The point of this medieval market is to celebrate Spain´s historic medieval past. Check out the video below and tag along as we enjoy visiting a Medieval Market in Segorbe Spain.
Cookware that I use:
Swiss Diamond Chef´s Knife
Swiss Diamond Pans
Wood Cutting Board
Click below to Watch the Video
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Dear Albert, now that we are deep into the summer, I just want to share this exquisite musical celebration of Spain: the “Almeria” movement of Isaac Albeniz’s “Iberia” piano suite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnvKU3fQ-6A
The opening melody evokes the flow of the breeze through branches and fields; the stunning stillness of the middle section bakes in the hypnotizing heat of the summer afternoon. Please give this a listen, if you haven’t yet heard “Iberia,” I bet you will love it, and it might even inspire some more recipes! Saludos from a YouTube fan, Marion Capriotti
18 . Jul . 2023Spain on a Fork
I will check it out! Much love 🙂
18 . Jul . 2023Anthony
My name is Anthony and I studied and taught English in Valencia in the 80’s. I recently discovered your channel on YouTube and was carried back to Spain with each recipe I saw you prepare. I made the Guisado de Garbanzos as well as the Arroz Viudo. Both recipes came out perfectly and tasted wonderful…like Spain! Thank you for what you do and for returning me to España! I plan to prepare many more dishes from your collection. ¡Muchas gracias por tus recetas fàciles y deliciosas!
16 . Jan . 2021Spain on a Fork
I am so happy to hear that Anthony! Much love from España 🙂
17 . Jan . 2021