What is Saffron? How to Spot High-Quality Saffron
– What is Saffron? –
First of all I love saffron, I use it in so many recipes, it brings out an incredible color and flavor on whatever dish you use it on. Yes it´s an expensive spice, but dang, it’s worth every penny. Alright let get to what is saffron? Saffron comes from the crocus sativus flower also known as the saffron crocus. There are three stigmas (threads) in each flower, which explains why this is one of the most expensive spices in the world. It takes about 80,000 flowers or 240,000 stigmas to create just 1 pound of saffron! Saffron is also loaded with so many health benefits: potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin C and vitamin b6 among others. Used in many cuisines around the world, specially in the Spanish kitchen to make the famous paella.
– How to Spot High-Quality Saffron –
Sadly enough there are many imitation saffrons and low quality saffrons out there that are mixed with other flowers, while still charging an arm and a leg for it. It is very important to check for high-quality saffron to make sure you´re not getting ripped off. The saffron I use is from Golden Saffron, one of the highest quality saffrons in the market. Make sure all the threads have a deep crimson color to them, along with orange tips and they are all the same size. If you see any different colored threads, there is most likely dye in there. Watch the video below to learn more about saffron and how to spot high quality saffron.
Cookware that I use:
Swiss Diamond Chef´s Knife
Swiss Diamond Pans
Wood Cutting Board
Watch the Video Below on What is Saffron? How to Spot High-Quality Saffron
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robert j ytuarte
Do Spaniards add grated cheese to soups ? Or is that a more Italian custom ?
08 . May . 2020Spain on a Fork
Typically we don´t, but there are many restaurants here that do 🙂 either way, it is more of a personal preference, much love
08 . May . 2020