Spain on a Fork > Blog > Stock your Pantry with these ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS
Blog / March 29, 2020

Stock your Pantry with these ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS

Times are tough right now, not only here in Spain, but for most of the world. Between all the lockdowns & quarantines, we´re all pretty much stuck at home until this spreading virus goes away. With that being said, it´s time to stock your pantry with essential ingredients to make it through these hard times.

The truth is, when you go to the supermarket right now, things are just not the same. Many items are sold-out or limited and let´s face it, people are buying way too much toilet paper. But we won´t be getting into that.

So what exactly does essential ingredients mean? Just the basic stuff folks. Everything from canned beans to canned tomatoes to frozen vegetables. The key here is to stock up on items that last a long time and are healthy-ish.

I have created a list of ingredients you need for your pantry, basic baking, fridge and freezer. These items are perfect for the hard-times we´re living in right now, but you should stock up on these ingredients all the time. I will be using these items exclusively here on Spain on a Fork until things get back to normal. Watch the video below, where I will walk you through all the essential items you need for your pantry. Stay safe out there ? .

Key Ingredients & Cookware I use:

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Watch the Video Below | Stock your Pantry with these ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS

Disclosure: At Spain on a Fork, we offer affiliate links to help you find what you need to re-create our recipes. If you like what we do, you can support us through our chosen links, which earn us a commission, but you still pay the same price. Learn more here.


  1. Mark Wilkinson

    Hello Albert, thank you for being such a source of cooking and food inspiration to us all. I have learned so much and gained greatly in confidence since starting to follow your recipes 🙏🏻
    One quick question: do you have or have you posted any recipes with tupinambo, or sunchoke, or Jerusalem artichoke as we call it here in the UK? They’re in season now and I know I like them – just wondered whether there are any Spanish interpretations one could follow.
    All the best and thank you so much again!

    Mark W

    13 . Feb . 2025
    • Spain on a Fork

      I have some recipes with artichokes, but not those in particular, appreciate the comment! Much love

      14 . Feb . 2025
  2. Lola

    Hola Alberto,
    My family enjoys your recipes and loved your YT video for a pasta dish with shrimp and spinach in a creamy yogurt sauce. I can’t find the video anymore. Is the recipe still available?

    25 . Nov . 2024
  3. Brian

    Dear Albert,

    Thank you for starting this YouTube channel. I have watched your channel for many years and continue to be wowed by all your great recipes. I recently found out I have Spaniard heritage, so these recipes help me connect to a part of my ancestory I knew little about (and eating more healthy tasty meals along the way). I do have two requests for upcoming videos if possible. The first is could you do a Spanish sardine stew recipe? And the second request being could you do some more 18th century/colonial era Spanish recipes? I love history, and I find it fascinating when you show recipes that have roots going back 300 plus years. Thanks again and happy eating.



    15 . Aug . 2023
    • Spain on a Fork

      Happy to hear that Brian! Will see what I can do 🙂 Much love

      15 . Aug . 2023
  4. David Cameron

    When your recipe includes one or more lemon peels, do you mean the peel from a whole lemon?

    05 . Apr . 2023
    • Spain on a Fork

      Usually it´s from half a lemon, but you can add the whole if you like 🙂 Much love

      07 . Apr . 2023
  5. Brad

    I found your youtube channel looking for flatbread recipes. I watched your 2 flatbread shows and subscribed. 2 Questions: how much and what herbs can you add to the dough? Thanks, Brad

    18 . Sep . 2022
    • Spain on a Fork

      You can add in any herbs you like, such as oregano, thyme and rosemary, about 1 tsp each 🙂 much love

      19 . Sep . 2022
  6. Gary

    Many thanks for the great recipes and inspiring videos.

    18 . Aug . 2022
    • Spain on a Fork

      Appreciate the comment! Much love 🙂

      19 . Aug . 2022
  7. Gina

    Thank you for your great videos! I’m trying to utilize more legumes and less meat in my dishes and most of your dishes have helped me move in that direction.

    I have a question about paprika. What types of paprika do you have in your pantry, and how do they compare to the generically-labeled paprika that we frequently find in the States? I want to make sure I’m getting the right varieties when I’m cooking these recipes.

    15 . Mar . 2022
    • Spain on a Fork

      I use sweet smoked Spanish paprika, as it has a deeper depth of flavors. You can find it on amazon 🙂 much love

      17 . Mar . 2022
  8. Margot Smethurst

    Delicious food!
    Thank you!

    24 . Jul . 2020
    • Spain on a Fork

      Thank you Margot!!! much love 🙂

      24 . Jul . 2020
  9. Anna

    Thank you for your great videos. State safe and God bless you.

    30 . Mar . 2020
    • Spain on a Fork

      Thanks for the comment Anna 🙂 much love and stay safe

      30 . Mar . 2020

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